Support a wide range of payment options and are tightly integrated with popular payment gateways.

We adhere to the PCI DSS compliance recommendation and all sensitive payment information is stored at the payment gateway company.

Payment Types include:

  • Real-time credit card
  • Direct Debit via credit card
  • Direct Debit via bank account
  • BPAY
  • Manual recording for cheque, cash and direct deposit

We specialise in complex billing requirements and with flexible payment frequency and payment methods, the effort for billing and settlement processes are greatly reduced.

BPAY customer reference number is automatically generated when members opt-in for this payment option. This is a good way for credit card facility is not an option.

Employers can make member contributions to the association. Payment files can be uploaded to the system to minimise human errors.

The direct Debit payments are settled overnight and updated to the system automatically. No manual operation is required. Failed payments will be handled by the Payment Exceptions manager.

Import to XERO is supported. Contact our consultant to find out how this can be beneficial to your association.